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Happy birthday Malibu!


Omg, it's my birthday?! 🎉

🎁 🎁 🎁

Your special day!

It is indeed! 26 is a huge milestone to achieve and you should feel great about it! You know... You can now rent any car on earth...anywhere... no matter how fancy it is. I mean that's pretty cool... (I'm jealous) Well.. not all cars...Some ask that you be 30. 4 more years? 🤣 Okay yeah..

A few photos...

Santorini 2019
USA 2019
NZ - 2020
NZ (Video) - 2020
NZ - 2020
NZ - 2020
Luxembourg - 2019
NZ - 2020
NZ - 2020
The Simpsons...Starring Malibu
But where's my present :)

Crafted by CG 🤖